Welcome to a new school year and to Year 3! We are looking forward to seeing the children back in school.

Developing reading skills is a key area of learning as it helps children with all their learning. Each child will have a reading book and reading record book. They will be listened to at school and they must read every night with you. It is extremely helpful to children to read at home and we ask that you do this as often as you can.

There will be P.E. sessions twice each week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that they come in their P.E. uniform only on these days.

Weekly homework is assigned to them starting from week 2. Oxford Maths homework book is due on Thursdays and online tasks are due on Mondays. Each week students are expected to complete one reading and comprehension task and a spelling activity assigned on the Reading Eggs. I also assign Maths activities on Mathletics every week and all tasks are aligned with the topics they are covering in the class.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries about any aspects of Year 3.

Looking forward to a busy and productive term!


Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Year 3 Teacher